Wayne Rooney en el nuevo anuncio de Nike admin October 21, 2013 Wayne Rooney Video clip Rating: 4 / five
Dieselifyable October 21, 2013 Seems like his head is the only thing on his body that doesn’t have a lot of hair ^^
Rodrigao da silva October 21, 2013 bienvenido a mi zona….. que zona???? mi cabeZona 8===D XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Rumpeansikt October 21, 2013 Here, he’s shaving his head, and now, two years later, he has a hair tansplant. Haha.
que zonaa¡ mi cabezonaa 😀
bienvenido a mi zona, a mi cabe-zona XD
cạo đi lại mất 100k bảng cấy lại :))
That’s one hairy modafuqa.
que se afeite la espalada depaso
Why does he cry about his hair if he shaves it all off
not cute.
actua mejor que iker
jajaj pero rooney ni pelo tiene
shrek xD
Seems like his head is the only thing on his body that doesn’t have a lot of hair ^^
bienvenida a mi zona …. a mi cabezona
natural born killers
that’s the scariest demon face I’ve ever seen!
congelen en el 0:27 q hermoso
ahi wey BIenvenido a mi zona!!…
then he complains that he have no hair
Nope Chuck Testa..
bienvenido a mi zona….. que zona???? mi cabeZona 8===D XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Aaaa como son pendejos “zona mi cabezona” esa tonteria que jajaja
Here, he’s shaving his head, and now, two years later, he has a hair tansplant. Haha.
bienvenido a mi zona…cual zona? mi cabezona!!!!!
shave your chest 🙂
bienvenido ami zona………… mi cabe-zona