1. StrikeTsunami

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  2. TheNitricOxide

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  3. truehealthyproducts

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  4. TheHcgdietplan

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  5. pheromoneaction

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  6. simplechocolatediet

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  7. FatReleaseSystem

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  8. 850Nexus

    Nice job on the video looks good. When you have time come visit my channel!

  9. JazzDragon022

    “Pears are only ripe for half an hour….So F* pears.”

  10. JazzDragon022

    “Pears are only ripe for half an hour….Fuck pears!”

  11. maddiferr

    I love his face when he’s pretending to be an orange. And then the little wave gets me every time!

  12. MrPembo101

    Ladies and gentlemen vitamin f any suggestionsssss fuck it lol

  13. MrPembo101

    Zere breaking in don’t let them get into ze orange.

  14. cuckoo61

    hey what happened guys? *in an american accent* 😀

  15. BogusBoy2121


  16. melancholymoondancer

    He’s so right about the pears!

  17. CmpSkjold

    Shag Daughter Shag !! My daughters had a baby ! 😀

  18. sstauby

    No these are horrible, these apples, Mrs. Smith. Go away Mrs. Smith. Go away until your daughter has a baby.

  19. OveractiveFireAlarm

    Goodness, I love Eddie Izzard. <3 =]

  20. jemthepixiequeen

    hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha !!

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