1. ciaranoconnor11

    Ya dats y dey play 4 Adelaide united

  2. kcskate21

    rooneys magical you guys or obviously not

  3. Philii2313

    you guys just suck thats why 😛

  4. OzzieWillHD

    everybody watch /watch?v=VhWA5YcMuE8 it’s the making of video, proof that he did it.

  5. Unsaled108

    @xxsoccerfanaticxx yur mum a joke, the a-league is really good just look at Sydney Fc not Adelaide

  6. ThaHedge

    @noor22sabri the making of video is on here too. he got it in 3 attempts.

  7. nickkyy95

    seriously A-League so shit …. Wayne Rooney defs did it.
    “if i cant do it WR couldnt” wtf that guy shit footballer

  8. noor22sabri

    lol rooney is a great player i admit it but he didn’t get it first shot. to be honest i reckon after like 30 shots he got it. I highly doubt there gunna put up a nike ad then rooney misses it lol.

  9. mwhite4324

    @Masterthematty omg there fucken joking, fuck me u Europeans have shitty sense of humour

  10. bloger129

    “So if the camera goes over and breaks, I get sacked” lmao! xDD

  11. Pittzzy1230


  12. kingofpoms69

    @xxsoccerfanaticxx screw you mate how much money do you think the a league has? hmmm yeah. this isnt England or Spain or Italy where the teams have endless amount of money this is a new small league made by fans who have passion for the game they love.

  13. pojomon1234

    i’m australian and the a-league is shit

  14. boyrichboy

    Of course he fucking did it.. Maybe not right away, just like these blokes.. But he eventually got it..

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